jueves, octubre 13, 2005

Una vez más, dividida.

No sé exactamente cuál es el secreto, pero vivo con el alma repartida en muchos sitios...
Lo bueno, es que tal como dice el Nano, "no me siento extranjera en ningún lugar"
Y sin embargo... sin embargo...
Algo en mí busca una raíz, un lugar al que volver, y del que sienta que no importa cuánto tiempo pase, jamás me haya ido.

The storm clouds gathering,
Moved silently along the dusty boulevard.
Where flowers turning crane their fragile necks
So they can in turn
Reach up and kiss the sky.
They are driven by a strange desire
Unseen by the human eye
Someone is calling.
I remember when you held my hand
In the park we would play when the circus came to town.
Look! over here.

The circus gathering
Moved silently along the rainswept boulevard.
The procession moved on the shouting is over
The fabulous freaks are leaving town.
They are driven by a strange desire
Unseen by the human eye.
Someone is calling.

The carinval is over.

We sat and watched
As the moon rose again
For the very first time.

(Dead Can Dance, The Carnival is Over)
... un pequeño homenaje a mis gustos melancólicos, y a uno de estos lugares donde mi corazón se empecina en quedarse.

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